Middle School Athletics

Welcome to CBCS Middle School Athletics Page!

Are you interested in joining the Titan Athletes?!

Fall Sports @ CBCS
- Cross Country - Volleyball -

Winter Sports @ CBCS
- Boys Basketball - Girls Basketball -

Spring Sports @ CBCS
- Coed Track & Field -

Sports open to CBCS students @ Gunnison High
Football - Swimming - Wrestling - Baseball - Golf -

Check out the below information on how to get started on your enrollment with CBCS athletics.

  • ALL middle school participants must be registered through PlanetHS/Big Teams HERE
  • Prior to participation in any MS athletic offering, a pre-participation athletic physical must be completed by a physician (MD, NP, PA).  This physical must be submitted before participation, and is valid for 365 days from the date of exam (signed by physician).
  • ALL participants must have physicals and forms completed in Planet HS/Big Teams.
    • In the folder below titled "Planet HS/Big Teams" are documents to help guide you through the process.
    • Once your accounts are created, complete all forms under tab titled "ATHLETIC FORMS."
    • Each form must be completed by student/player and parent accounts.
    • All physicals (front and back pages) must be uploaded again through PlanetHS in the designated form area.
  • Please make athletic fee payments through your My Payments Plus account here: http://mypaymentsplus.com (STEP TWO)
    • 2022-23 Middle School Sports fee: $75.00
Questions? Email our awesome Middle School Athletic Director, Abby McDonnell. [email protected]