Enrichment Program

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The CBCS Enrichment Program seeks to broaden our students' experience by providing them with a variety of artistic, cultural and educational opportunities which expand upon the traditional academic program. The Enrichment Program organizes and funds artist-in-residence programs, workshops, performances and after-school clubs. These activities are open and free to all students. The Enrichment Program is a non-profit organization which depends entirely upon support from donations and community grants.

Afternoon Kindergarten Program - First Week of School

Offered the first week of school from 1:45 - 3:30 at CBCS for families who need this service. Activities
include storytime, art, games, Legos, free play & more. $15/child/afternoon. If you need care on Wednesday afternoon, please see sign up for the free Wednesday Workshops program.

Wednesday Workshops - Weekly

Wednesday Workshops offers fun arts & crafts, games, science, STEM activities and more for K-5 students on our early-release Wednesdays. The program runs from 1:45-3:30 and is held at CBCS. Thank you to the PTA for supporting this valuable program, which is free for all students! Your child must be registered in order to attend. Please let the office know by 10 a.m. (or sooner) if your child will not be attending that week.

Program After School Clubs - Every Tuesday & Thursday 

The Enrichment Program offers a variety of after school clubs for K-12th grade students. Clubs are offered on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30-4:30. There are multiple sessions of clubs based on the start/end of school breaks. All Enrichment Program clubs are free; however, a $20 registration fee per club per session is required to cover administration expenses.

After Club Care - Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays

We are offering After Club Care on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30-5:30, and on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 in the MPR. We understand that “life happens” and it is sometimes difficult to pick up your child on time after their activity ends. Drop-in and full session options available. Your child must be enrolled in an Enrichment Club from 3:30-4:30 in order to attend After Club Care.

Community Workshops

Community Workshops offers full day programs for K-5 students when school is not in session. Join us for art, gym, science, Legos, games and more from 8:30-3:30 at CBCS. $50/child/day. Scholarships are available. Community Workshops dates are September 30, October 15-18, January 20, February 18-21. Registration info will be in the school bulletin closer to program dates.

Looking for Club Teachers & Club Helpers

Do you have an idea for a club and/or a talent you'd like to share? We are looking for club teachers and helpers for our K-5 clubs. Please contact Jill at [email protected] for more information.


Students on the Free & Reduced Program are free. Registration opens at 9 a.m. on August 14.

Click here to register for after school clubs, after care, and Wednesday Workshop
Click here to register for the Kindergarten Program


 The Enrichment Program needs your support!  Help fund the 35 clubs we offer for K-12 students throughout the school year, as well as performances, artist-in-residence programs and workshops by making a donation on mypaymentsplus (under donations) or by check (made out to CBCS, with Enrichment on the memo line).